Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday run

3 treadmill miles

In more exciting though not strictly speaking triaspirational news, I rode a bicycle underwater today! I was wearing fins, so I could not pedal, but I definitely soared and did a bit of ET-style BMX-type bounding. And moments later I was a fully certified PADI open water diver...

(Thanks to Brent for egging me on - I certainly would not have done it without his encouragement and support, since I am basically a fairly lazy person who will not really stir myself to get off the couch unless prompted!)


ShirleyPerly said...

Underwater bicycle stunt?! That is on my bucket list (the diving, not the flip ;-)

Unknown said...

Submerged TOB!!

It's a whole new world down there ...

intentsandpurposes said...

Very cool!