Sunday, June 14, 2015


:30 as 4:1. Humidity still pretty low, though it's hot once you're out of the shade. Curtailed more ambitious exercise plans as I am in a mild panic about life and work obligations: seeing a friend's 2pm matinee in the East Village (and a drink with friends after), got a dissertation to read for a defense tomorrow and another dissertation chapter as well, realized I'd better not be out of the house all day blowing my energy on non-essentials!

Week in review: not bad. Hit the essentials: 6 runs (broken streak!), 4 very good lifting sessions. Only one spin class and no swimming - hoping to put in some good days Monday to Saturday this week and then take a few days off (short runs if possible) while I'm in Philadelphia for my mother's husband's memorial.

:30 as 4:1

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