Saturday, September 26, 2009

Long swim!

The Little Red Lighthouse swim was successfully completed, and it was truly a lovely day for a swim, though fairly brisk afterwards. No time to write more now - the tidal assist was variable, but not nearly as strong as expected, I was certainly in the water closer to three hours than two! - but it is hard to explain how much it is almost the best thing in the world to be swimming right out there in the middle of a huge river looking up at the bluffs of Upper Manhattan on your right-hand side...


Brent Buckner said...

Sounds good - epic swim!

Unknown said...

With the possible exception of doing so with friends!

Leah said...

Wow. Amazing. I hope you'll post more about it at some point!

miriam said...

Glorious swim. Great to see you out there. And wonderful to meet Wendy and friend!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Congrats! I'm glad you had a good time!

baker said...

congrats! And... i know what you mean, i constantly have to explain to nay-sayers that swimming up the Hudson is an amazing time!

ShirleyPerly said...

Glad it went well! Can't imagine swimming for nearly 3 hours but sounds like some awesome scenery.